Robert Schwartz

From classroom teacher to principal to executive director, Rob Schwartz has served in numerous organizations including Los Angeles Unified School District, ICEF Public Schools, Level Playing Field Institute, and New Teacher Center, focusing on the intersection of innovation and excellence for students and educators. He was the founding principal at View Park Prep High School, spending five years in the role and seeing through the first two graduating classes of students. During this time, View Park Prep was recognized as one of the highest performing schools in the state for black students with alumni attending and graduating from Berkeley, UCLA, USC, Claremont, Stanford, and many other prestigious universities. 

Rob is a partner Silicon Schools Fund having led the human capital investments within the team as well as providing academic support to portfolio schools. He currently leads the organization’s innovation investing strategy, focused on solutions that support student learning and making teaching a more sustainable job. 

He has co-written numerous publications including Voices of Nonprofit Talent and co-created a Coursera MOOC on blended learning. Rob has an undergraduate degree from Binghamton University and an M.Ed. and Ed.D. from the University of Southern California.